214 Maple Avenue | Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-594-2111

A Shifting Situation

It’s common knowledge that braces make your teeth straight, but how do they do it? Put simply, braces gently push your teeth in a specific direction and as the tooth moves the bone structure that holds the tooth changes shape.  Once teeth have been aligned the braces...

Dental Crowns

Are you satisfied with the look of your teeth?  Do you have a tooth that is worn down or chipped?  Are you in need of a larger filling? Or are your teeth housing severe dental decay? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be a candidate for a dental...

Cavities and Caries

Dental caries are the result of dental decay.  Decay is the result of bacteria consuming sugars inside of your mouth.  When bacteria feed off of these sugars they produce lactic acid which dissolves the enamel, creating holes which are called cavities. The best way to...

The Daily Grind on Your Teeth

Stress can manifest itself physically in many ways – lack of sleep, headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure, low energy and many more.  But did you know that the daily grind of life can also take its toll on your teeth? The human body interprets stressful situations as...

The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

We’ve all heard it before – I brush and floss every day so why do I need to go to the dentist for a cleaning? While daily dental hygiene is critical to the health of your mouth, there are several reasons why visits to your dentist are still necessary. During your...

Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and How to Treat It

Kicking back with an ice cold drink is relaxing, but if you’re wincing with pain during each sip it may be a sign of tooth sensitivity.   To better understand why teeth become sensitive, you’ll first need to understand the basic anatomy of a tooth.  The hard outer...